Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

COST: 520 cz for one night – inc. shower and toilets

Proper camping site with plenty of space between caravans

1hr 10min walk to Jihlava centre or bus if you prefer (I liked the walk)


Near a lake a bit outside of town
Nice secluded location with a few farmhouses around

This campsite is around 7kms out from the city centre

When we were there there was a group of vietnamese christian camp and they were really noisy! It wasnt until afte tthey left that we started to enjoy being here

Easy find cant miss it – open, welcoming and friendly

We quickly set up our annex area and threw the chairs out happy to have our own grassy spot for the next 2 days
The nearby lake

Lunch time!

Local buses left from outside the camp towards the city
The camping ground can get pretty packed, this taken from their website, when we were there the cabins were all taken by young group of kids on a camp
Beautiful place to sit and relax and read a book
The cabins just across from our site

Plenty of space between each campervan to open up the annex and have a sitting area outside

Dinner of vegetable stew and local beer
Just love the old school style european logos
Felt relaxed and comfortable here at the camp and was good to have 2 days in the same place as we have been moving pretty quickly and staying mostly just 1 night most places