My flight was with WIZZ AIR, a budget Hungarian airline – as always with these airlines, anything extra is additional molla $$ like any cheap airline
Check in is online only (unless you are not of EU residency)
Flight cost €200
Flight duration : 2 hours

My GG driver was a lovely guy, had a great convo and got to the airport in 25mins for 2300AMD
Flight times… this board always excites me! – new experiences ahead! good or bad!
Yerevan Zvartnots airport is very small and easy to navigate and get around
My plane getting ready for us!

AU$22.10 for this coffee! I made sure i enjoyed it!! 😂

Line up wasnt long for our flight and it was chilled and relaxed…
Normal flight 3 by 3 seating – WIZZ hostesses not too over the top which is good
Not much leg room on WIZZ and every bump from both the front and side is felt
It was absolute chaos as everyone got out of the plane! No one was there to guide us out of the plane so it was so funny and awesome… everyone just scattered and stood there on the tarmac waiting for their mates like they were at a BBQ it was fantastic! 🤣🫣 as a rule following aussie im looking at everyone thinking… hurry, walk off the tarmac as fast as possible but then just joined them and took photos lol